joi, 3 martie 2011

berlinale 2011- THE MOUNTAIN

  • One cold afternoon by cocktail's time, in an extremely full cinema hall, I saw : Fjellet / The Mountain, directed by Ole Giæver , a 2011 norvegian movie. This extremely moving and minimalist film is the story of Nora and Solveig . A cross-over between a road-movie and a Kammerspiel, situated in the Norwegian mountainscape. It depicts a lesbian couple taking a hiking trip, following the path of a previous journey they did together several years ago, a journey which ended in tragedy. Now they have to face it again, together. Thus, the two main visual focal points of the movie is their progress through the landscape, and the evolution of their difficult relationship. Mountains and faces. The aesthetics of this film is mind blowing as it is exclusively worked in natural light, gorgeous at that time of the year in the mountains.


2 comentarii:

Alex spunea...

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Unknown spunea...


Ai un blog interesant. Te astept pe la mine

:) Numai bine!