...e joi, hai ca mi-a zburat un mega text pe cand sa-i bag o poza. o poza cu afisul unui film genial, american nou, regizat scris produs editat de actorul lui principal. am ajuns la el tarata de o nemtoaica mega underground, o berlineza absoleventa a mega scolii lor de film si actualmente mare DOP la ARTE, care m-a insfacat usor de la coktailul lui KItano(dupa 2 pahare de un vin alb ultra sec si hyper ventilant la creieri....)...cocotata pe tocuri totusi rezonabile am trotat pe langa mica razboinica ariana vreo 30 de minute la miezul noptii de 21h, pana in PORT, unde se gasesc warehouses-urile acestui Festival. Sala mega plina, capete lasciv lasate pe umerele de alaturi, am stat in fund si pe tocuri 1h 20 de minute, dupa care m-am evaporat, lesinata de somn. Am avut insa timp sa traiesc intens filmul : THE WAY I SEE THINGS. Regizor si om bun la toate: BRIAN PERA. Dulce, miere cu verde la imagine, lumina de toamna dar cu un licar de porimavara, cu flsh forwarduri, fara jump cuts, molcom si dur si tandru. Iata rezumatul ca sa nu-l mai stric eu cu subiectivitatea-mi:
Depressed over the unexpected death of his longtime companion, Otto embarks on a cross-country road trip with his garrulous old friend, Rob. Rob thinks the trip will help Otto pull himself together. At a rest stop, he escapes with a car load of strangers, leaving behind his friend, his past, and even his name. Crossing paths with various strangers, he spins stories about who he is and what he’s doing, reveling in the freedom to become whoever he wants. Eventually, he finds his way to a strange community, a mountain retreat populated by apparently like-minded lost souls, who see drugs and meditation as tools to forge surprising relationships with reality and identity. At this commune, Otto struggles to figure out the parameters of emptiness and connection in a world without clear markers between memory and fantasy, friend and lover, self and stranger.
Deci e simplu. Minunat curge filmul asta, abea astept sa-l intalnesc+intervievez pe minunatul creator care este BRIAN PERA:
Filmography2008 The Way I See Things
BiographyHe is the author of the novel "Troublemaker" (St. Martin’s Press). From1999 to 2007, he was the creator/editor of the online arts and literary journal lowblueflame.com, which was included in Granta’s best of 2004 list. In March of 2004, Pera worked in the prop department on Ira Sachs’ film "Forty Shades of Blue". "The Way I See Things" is his first film and was loosely adapted from his recently completed novel "Freefall". Presently he’s at work on another screenplay.
Quod erat demonstrandum: AMERICANS DO IT BETTER!!!!!!